Recently I was talking with a former co-worker who just left our company. He had left for a similar position elsewhere but for more money. He asked the usual question that people ask me all the time....
"Are you going to leave when you finish your MBA?"
This seems to be a universal question. Frequently I get people asking about my income expectations upon completion. I don't expect my company will pay me any more than I make now. The MBA isn't some magical money tree. I have proposed some significant projects for the year as a way to apply my new skills and these were accepted. If I can be successful with them but nothing comes of it - then at least I've succeeded in correctly applying my new knowledge.
Since I work in a big mega-global chemical company there should be something interesting here once I finish. After all, the new HR thing in vogue is employees driving their own career paths. I've mapped out the assignments I want to work on and the path I'm looking to follow so I've just got to secure the next step to make it happen. Since I work in a very, very flat organization ( only 6-7 layers from bottom to top for a $13Billion organization) so career growth here takes the form of project work in a matrix type layout. That is good up to a point - somewhere there has to be some visible sign of promotion. Heck, everyone needs to know there efforts mean something.
So should I stay or should I go? -