Monday, January 15, 2007

Work Life Balance?

I have been reading a great deal about the whole work life balance thing and it seems like some focus on the "balance" notion and that for each part of work you add, then you have to remove something from your life part ( or vice-versa).

I don't believe that has to be true. As a remote worker I find the incredible power of flex-time is often overlooked by those that work from home ( or the field). This was the basis for my "checkbook theory" concept of deposits and withdrawals but this does not always mean equality. It is more of a general notion of equity between the often warring camps of work and home.

Overall each of us has the power to make those types of flex-time accomodations but feel tremendous guilt about doing it. I've been doing this for years and even I feel that tinge of guilt at times.

I had prepared my year end review just before Christmas ( yes we write our own reviews and submit them to our supervisors) and it really made me consider this past year in a positive light. I traveled less, earned more and was generally happier about my career and career prospects than ever before. I'm 4 courses away from finishing my MBA and obtaining one of my major personal goals.

So I consider the effort in 2006 ( substantial) and the reward ( substantial). I have squeezed out many of the fun things but gained so much more. I am looking forward to Saturday mornings in my workshop ( I am a woodworker) once my MBA is done. That is one luxury I look forward too along with more family time.

We'll see how it goes.

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